Ultrasound Referrals
Lead by Paula Fazendez MRCVS AVP Cert DI in diagnostic imaging along with John Cartwright MRCVS CertAVP(VC) cardiology, we have heavily invested in diagnostic ultrasound to offer you a stress free, quick but efficient and affordable imaging service. Ultrasound is still the gold standard modality for a lot of conditions. It is next to 100 % safe, with no radiation exposure, no general anaesthetic and when possible can even be performed with a conscious animal. We are able to offer fixed price ultrasound guided biopsies. With our new Siemens ultrasound NX3 machine, we are able to showcase high quality images on the same day as the examination. We are also able to send the DICOM images to referring vet within 2 hours of the ultrasound taking place.
A list of indications for an ultrasound examination:
For more information on other reasons to Ultrasound then head to our Imaging Indications page (link to indications page) which gives a list of preferable methods of imaging. If you require details of please contact us on 01942 242001
Ultrasound (Abdominal and Cardiology) £500
- This includes sedation if needed and interpretation from a RCVS practitioner
- Or, a RCVS advanced practitioner in Cardiology